Struggling with your newborn's sleep schedule? Check out our top five tips to help your little one get the rest they need. From creating a sleep-friendly environment to establishing a routine, we've got the expert advice you need to help your baby (and you!) sleep better.

Five Newborn Sleep Tips
- Create a simple bedtime routine. Try creating a simple bedtime routine with your little one to help them wind down and know when it’s time for sleep. You can include things like bath, lotion, swaddling, feeding, song, etc.
- Before they fall asleep pull their binky out. How many of us have spent 30 minutes trying to get baby to sleep, finally laying them down only to have to run into the nursery 5 minutes later to put the binky back in? This may take some practice, but will make the biggest difference in your baby’s naps! And your sanity! Once your baby is ALMOST asleep, lay them down and gently pull the binky out. If they starts to squirm or protest, place your hand on their chest and gently rock her back and forth until they falls back asleep.
- Turn on a sound machine. Oh I could go on and on about my love for sound machines but I’ll leave it at this: Newborns are used to constant background noise in the womb. A sound machine not only drowns outside noise, but helps comfort baby too.
- Swaddle your newborn before bed. Swaddling helps keep baby calm and comforted during sleep by limiting the startle reflex. Again, leading to longer stretches of sleep. Searching for the best swaddle for your newborn? Ours is the BEST swaddle blanket, hands down. Made from the softest ever bamboo fabric with the perfect amount of stretch, our stretchy swaddles calm and comfort babies.
- Use blackout curtains. Blackout curtains make all the difference mama!